Monday, June 30, 2008
Long Fu Girls in Numbers
- Girls with pierced ears: 3, all within the last year (Doodle is the odd girl out here but she doesn't seem interested)
- Girls who play instruments: 3, perhaps next time we can have a classical guitar, flute, and clarinet concert
- Long hair: 4 (when you have such gorgeous hair, why not let it grow long)
- Sports: 3 who play soccer and 1 who plays softball and does karate
- Oldest child in family: 3
- Only child: 1
- Budding photographers: 4
- Took Chinese language class at a younger age but no longer participate or show much interest in their heritage: 4
The girls got along very well but they no longer hold each other's hands as they walk around. Saturday's activities included a long visit to the zoo, a movie (Wall-E), and dinner and play time at our house (we canceled the sleepover part of the plan due to Friday's health drama). On Sunday we hit the National Archives, Air & Space Museum, and the Natural History Museum. A fun but exhausting weekend.
We parents spent some time talking about the girls' lack of interest in their heritage. It's something we worry about a bit, but thus far the girls all seem comfortable with who they are. I will probably use this summer's Olympics to rekindle Doodle's interest in China; it has dwindled substantially since an all time high three years ago when we went to China to bring her sister home. One of the families is going to China next spring but they have decided not to visit either of their daughters' birthplaces, focusing instead on Beijing, Shanghai, etc. I hope to take the girls back in the next two years and I would like to visit both of their birthplaces. Tootle's orphanage is much more open and easier to get to, but I also want to make the effort for Doodle. In the meantime, at least we are keeping these links to families who share in Doodle's story. I feel fortunate that we like these families so much.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Scariest Day Ever
Later in the afternoon I took Tootle to the doctor, and she was diagnosed with an ear infection. I hope that they both are able to hang out with our travel group visitors today. We missed out on Friday's fun, but I don't think anyone would have wanted to risk the possibility of Doodle fainting at the White House in 95 degree heat, and Tootle was so lethargic that she barely moved from the sofa. She did perk up in the evening after her first dose of antibiotics, and Doodle guzzled fluids and seems fine, so things are looking up. I hope Doodle never faints again; it's way too scary.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Consumer Power
Last month Doodle displayed her shopping skills online as she looked for an electric guitar that she wanted to buy with her own money. I didn't want the guitar to arrive before school ended, fearing that it would distract her from working on her last book report, etc., so I had her do a short report on the pros and cons of the guitar she coveted. The guitar arrived last week, the first week that school was out. Learning to play the guitar and composing music didn't take up all of her time last week so she also spent time on e-Bay, looking for a baseball autographed by her favorite player. She conned me into winning it for her, again paying for it herself. Her piggy bank is much emptier now so thankfully she is in day camp for the next three weeks.
* Doodle knew her numbers by the time she was 18 months old; sadly her early promise in math faded once she hit elementary school.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
On Loss
Monday, June 16, 2008
Another Reminder
Friday, June 13, 2008
School's Out for the Summer
As the girls head into the somewhat lazy and definitely hazy days of summer, my work schedule kicked into high gear and I was forced to work several 14 hour days this week at the same time that I was preparing teacher gifts, playing Tooth Fairy, and accompanying Tootle's class on a field trip to a farm to pick strawberries. The kids all wilted in the 95 degree heat, and the strawberries were pretty mushy but it was still fun. On the bus ride back to school, in between games of Rock-Paper-Scissors, I learned that one of the boys is convinced that Tootle has a crush on him because she chased him around the playground one day making kissing noises. (I can't imagine her doing this but they both said it was true.) Tootle told him that she was just joking and that she likes another boy, the one who she played with at recess nearly every day this year. This kid is going to keep me hopping.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
A New Tradition
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Calling the Tooth Fairy
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Hi Ya!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
P.S. The loose tooth is still just that, so Tootle will lose her first tooth at age 6 (it can't stay loose for 365 days, can it?).