Thursday, August 30, 2007

Family FotoFun Friday Challenge: BFFs

Both Doodle and Tootle make friends easily and have a lot of friends. Tonight at the back-to-school picnic, Tootle had the chance to play with both of her best friends: her preschool best friend (top photo) and her neighborhood best friend (bottom photo). Over the first few days of school, she has even convinced them that they can all play together at recess so tonight they climbed and ran and jumped as a threesome.

The neighborhood best friend spent six weeks in Turkey (her mom's homeland) this summer. Tootle kept asking when we were going to Turkey so she could have a playdate with her friend, whom she missed a lot. I explained over and over again that if we were going to endure such a long flight, our destination would be China.

I should have included a photo of photo of Tootle and Doodle together in this collage because they often proclaim themselves to be best friends, and I hope that they continue to feel that way as they grow up. To see more BFFs, go here .

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