Friday, May 1, 2009


I knew it was only a matter of days before the swine flu virus hit close to home. There are too many people in our area who travel internationally for us to remain insulated. Yesterday afternoon Doodle got a call from one of her friends with the news that a parent in our middle school probably has swine flu. Doodle and her friend who was hanging out at our house freaked out a bit before I reminded them that the sick person was not a student and that they had no reason to be alarmed. I filed this report under rumor until this morning's news included a bulletin that a student at this school was asked to stay home today because his or her father, a World Bank employee, had become sick after returning from Mexico.

Poor Doodle missed school on Tuesday because of her allergy-induced cough. When she returned to school on Wednesday, her teacher actually asked her if she has swine flu. Doodle seemed somewhat better on Wednesday and Thursday, but this morning she woke up with pink eye. A trip to the doctor revealed that she has a contagious eye infection and a sinus infection. Doodle will be on antibiotics and can't be around other people for two days; it's a good thing that her birthday party isn't for a few weeks. I immediately e-mailed her teacher so she wouldn't spend the weekend worrying that one of her students has H1N1. Sigh.

Our soccer program just sent an e-mail indicating that all games are on as scheduled. Yeah, even if Doodle will miss hers. The organization did advise a few precautions, such as keeping kids home who are sick and replacing the post game handshake with a post game cheer or round of applause for the opposition. I hope the sensible approach prevails over mass hysteria.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hope she is feeling better! Busy Boy has an allergy cough too and people keep asking me if he has the swine flu. Yeesh. Glad her soccer games are still on and probably a good idea with the cheer instead of hand shake..just in case!