Saturday, July 4, 2009

Third Tooth on July 3

After watching a local country club's fireworks show from outside the gates (along with lots of other people who aren't wealthy enough to belong to the club), we came home and started the bedtime routine. Doodle, ever the helpful big sister, decided to stall a bit by wiggling Tootle's loose tooth. The tooth was so loose that it came out, and the resulting excitement pushed bedtime back by at least 30 minutes. Tootle hasn't lost a tooth in about nine months, so she was ecstatic, especially when she realized that she lost her third tooth on the 3rd.
This morning Tootle decorated her bike for the holiday and then asked me to take a picture of her new smile. She is very pleased with herself.


RamblingMother said...

what a great smile. congrats on one more lost tooth. growing up!

Donna said...

Love the photo of your little gap girl!