Saturday, February 17, 2007

Happy New Year

  1. House thoroughly cleaned: check
  2. Hongbao stuffed with chocolate coins ready to be distributed to the girls' classmates and other friends: check
  3. Red envelopes with money for each girl ready to be put under their pillows: check
  4. Dumpling ingredients and craft supplies bought for tomorrow night's party: check
  5. Nian Gao cake recipe from China Sprout on kitchen counter, waiting for me to whip up the cake in the morning: check
  6. Silk brocade jackets hanging in the girls' room, ready to be worn in the morning: check
It appears that we are ready for the lunar new year. This is the second of three weekends filled with Chinese New Year activities. Before having kids, I took February vacations to warm destinations. Now the New Year's activities chase the February blahs away. Happy New Year.

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