Monday, July 28, 2008

Paring Down

We're doing some decluttering this summer, as part of a major reorganization of the girls' room. The girls share a large room that currently holds double bed bunk beds and a single bed. In a week or two, a friend is going to take the single bed for her daughter and we're going to take the bunk beds apart, which means that I need to clear more floor space in the room. I'm also going to get Doodle a proper study desk; her days of doing homework at the dining room table are over. Part 1 of the plan took place last weekend when we took wooden play kitchen furniture that I had borrowed back to my aunt's house in Pennsylvania (she's going to donate it to her church). This allows me to move a table and a toy chest that is currently in the girls' room to the basement playroom. Part 2 of the plan involves a yard sale in a few weeks, where I will sell a large dollhouse that the girls never play with, a three-wheeled scooter, assorted baby items that I've inexplicably held on to, books, VHS tapes (if anyone still wants them), and lots of kids clothes (even though I've given away a lot, piles remain). The kids are very excited about the yard sale, and I've already given them a lesson in how to properly price things so that they will sell. Tonight Doodle is having what is probably her last bunk bed sleepover.

On our way home from Pennsylvania, we saw a double rainbow, our second on this road in the past three months. I had my camera with me so that I could snap pictures of the girls on my aunt's swing, but it was in the trunk and it wasn't safe to stop along the busy highway. I need to remember to keep my camera in the car rather than in the trunk.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We try and do that around the kid's birthdays and Christmas. I need to get a desk for Bug too. Busy Boy will need help with homework this year so he can do the table downstairs, but Bug is going to need some quiet time to do it. Thanks for the reminder ;-)